Get in touch on0161 818 7374
I don’t believe we’re destined to be solitary – there’s something very powerful about human relationships.
Sara McKee Sara McKee Founder

A warm welcome

Nobody wants to live in a care home, and we don’t blame them! Later life should be lived in full colour, not the beige offered by institutions or grey ghettos.

We offer our housemates a home in the truest sense. Our communities of small households provide a place that offers comfort, warmth, great food, and companionship. And our tribe of Mulinellos focus solely on helping you to enjoy a happy and meaningful life

A warm welcome

Life in an Evermore community

Life in an Evermore community is never dull.

There is always someone to come home to and share the day. You’ll take part in household life and be supported to pursue your existing passions, or find new ones!

But you can also retreat to the privacy of your own home, to enjoy the peace and quiet, watch TV in your own sanctuary, or entertain family or friends.

You’ll develop long-term meaningful relationships with other housemates, but also our staff who are there as a friend and an advocate. They also offer a safety net and are there to provide help if you need it.

Learn more about the first Evermore community in Wigan here.

More on Wigan...
Life in an Evermore community

The Evermore Manifesto

Somehow it got complicated to choose where and how you want to live when you’re older.

The Evermore Manifesto is our passionate commitment to changing the status quo.

Download Our Manifesto(PDF, 72.3k)

Get in touch to find out more

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